“Coaches Corner” – A Measure of Improvement

Pemphigus and pemphigoid (P/P) can take a long time to improve or reach remission. The process can take months or even years. Although it may seem that this disease appeared overnight, in fact, it has taken a long time to present itself, and it will most likely take just as long to resolve. So the question often arises, “How do I know if I am improving?” Improvement can be measured in a couple ways, so here are some tips to measure whether your disease is improving:

1.      Keep a log of disease activity – It’s easier to measure if you can see it on paper.

2.      Amount – Count the number of blisters, their location and write them in your log. If you have less blisters than before then you are improving.

3.      Frequency – Take note of the blisters and how long they take to resolve. If they are clearing up quicker than before then it is showing improvement.

4.      Fatigue – Pemphigus and Pemphigoid cause fatigue. A clinical sign of improvement should be less overall fatigue.

5.      Talk to you Doctor – Ask your doctor what signs they look for that indicate improvement.  Working together with your physician to reach remission should be your biggest priority.

Improvement is a step-by step process and can be slow. If you follow these tips you may just find that you are improving, even if it’s just a little at a time. Knowing that you are improving will help you realize that you are in control and on the road to remission.

Have other questions about measuring improvement? Just “Ask a Coach! Remember, when you need us, we are in your corner!